Happy new year!Historically, the first few days of the new year are perhaps the most forward-looking time of the entire year, so it's only appropriate to think of what Steampunk has in store for us in ...

Wow, nearly 2013! This is the time I look back over my body of work in 2012 and assess where I am creatively. With large gaps in the year due to moving into a new studio and two extended hospital stay ...

It wasn't that long ago that we started seeing a variety of beers catering to the Steampunk crowd, so why not some wine?I was at home last night, minding my own business, when one of our friends broug ...

With the new year right around the corner, it's time to talk about the end of the 19th century, a time which plays an enormous role in Steampunk. If you've done any reading of British books written fr ...

Image Credit fbcdn.netI am known to many regular (and any number of irregular) steampunks, due to my work as an entertainer, MC-ess & panelist at steampunk & comic cons across North America. (And some ...

Religion is one of the most-ignored topics when it comes to Steampunk, which is surprising given how important religion was in Victorian England. Even the hot-button issues of race and gender are conf ...

Those of you who have attended a Steampunk convention in the last year or two may have heard of something called "Tea Duelling" and been intrigued.Tea Duelling is an elegant sport for a more civilized ...

If you've been to a convention of any sort before, you know that there are good and bad panels, and that their inherent goodness or badness often has little to do with the actual content being discuss ...

I don't know how many of you had this experience in your youth, but when I was a kid, I used to actively think about what would happen if I suddenly woke up in a fantasy land, or were to pass through ...